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Teleconsultation & Hotline services

PACT offers teleconsultation services to Child Care Institutes (CCI) to support OAS children with special needs. The pandemic must not stop the delivery of essential services to these children who need daily therapy and practices to enhance their capabilities....

USIRU Project

PACT has joined hands with Hopeworks Foundation for its USIRU program, to provide physical and psychosocial support to children who have lost their parents to the COVID pandemic. PACT will also help the children access social security schemes if...

Home Accessibility

An accessible home is usually a low priority in a developing country. But, for a wheelchair user or any person with a disability/special needs, it’s an essential factor to have one. A big house or small, they need to...

Building Carers

A carer is anyone, including children and adults who look after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support....

Response to Covid-19

PACT as an organization was modelled on a self-generating revenue framework. Support and rehabilitation services were planned and also provided to children who are orphaned, abandoned, and surrendered with special needs right from its inception. The unprecedented COVID19 outbreak...